October 2014 Update

Hey everyone! Sorry for the lack of updates! Wow, work has been killer! Anyways, things around the Rockin WAVES Network has been pretty quiet for the most part. We are heading into Halloween, and as of this blog post it is 13 days away. After Halloween, we will be getting into the exciting part of the year (and personally my favorite part of the year) THE HOLIDAYS!

Thank you for reading this post, don't forget to subscribe!

Some special events coming up, on October 31st at 12:45 AM, a special Chris After Dark will be happening, and there will be no music that night! *GASP* WHAT?!?!? No music? Yes, no music because it will be movie night instead! We will be airing the Rocky Horror Picture Show on Chris After Dark that night. It will not be on YuckLive though it will be on Ustream ONLY due to some “suggestive content” that Yuck may ban us over (of course they would ban me if my shoes were untied) but anyways, be on the lookout for that. I will have more info on more events as the times get closer.

ANyways, that’s it for the update, Keep on rockin everyone!


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