We have a chatroom (again)

Hey everyone!

Well, we now have a new chatroom (again). It is through Ezcapechat and we have video streaming as well so you can chat with us and go on cam and stuff. It’s very very cool and so, we may be doing some shows through it possibly from time to time and you’ll see me pop in the chat from time to time. There are a couple of things that I noticed with it though so you may want to keep reading this post because it could save a lot of headaches.

If you want to go on cam, if you want to do it on rockinwaves.com YOU MUST USE FIREFOX since it is flash based, Google Chrome won’t work with it. The only way you can use Google Chrome to get on cam is if you go to the ezcapechat site itself. So, to use the cams on rockinwaves.com, you will need to use Firefox. Be sure and check it out and let us know what you think by leaving us feedback on either our Facebook or phone line at 443-971-1294.

That about does it right now update wise. Thanks for listening as always and keep on rockin!
