Summer of Rockin’ 2017 – That’s The End? (And Other Show Updates)

Yes. It is near the end of the summer and it’s time we bid SOR 2017 a fond farewell. And, to bid it farewell, we are doing it the only way we know how! We are going to be doing an ALL NIGHT BROADCAST! So, listen up, here’s what we will be doing, the phone lines, and the Skype Party Line will be open ALL NIGHT to take your calls and taking requests and all that. And we will be on the audio only and iVlog all night! Well, almost, here’s how it’s going to work

10 PM – 11 PM: Will be on iVlog and the audio only
11 PM – 11:45 PM: iVlog Only
11:45 – 5 AM: Both iVlog and Audio Only

Hope everyone is ready for a great night of fun an excitement! I’m looking forward to it 🙂

Now, onto other news,

We have acquired a new show to the Rockin WAVES lineup! Now every Wednesday night at 8 PM you can catch the Mad Talk Radio Show! 2 hours of great fun and talk about anything you can think about! Be sure to check them out every Wednesday night at 8 PM!

Well, that about does it for updates. Again, thanks to everyone who has been listening and be sure to keep telling your friends about Rockin WAVES and as always,

Keep On Rockin!

P.S. I’m trying to work on getting shirts. Be patient!

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