Post Summer of Rockin 2016 Report

Well, it’s been a couple of days since the Summer of Rockin’ 2016 Signoff and I’ve finally had time to process everything and bring my thoughts together.

First off, this past summer has been an awesome and FAST summer. It really flew by. It doesn’t seem like the Summer of Rockin’ has been going on for about 3 months. Really flew by.

We also had some great moments this summer. We had the 40th Anniversary of Carolina Circle Mall, we did a live remote from Monk’s Cheesesteaks, but I think the biggest highlight (at least for me) was when we did a few live shows with Mary. For me, that is what I will remember most.

Right now, we are in the fall season and that means starting preparations for the Holiday season. We just finished importing some Christmas CD’s into the library and currently sorting through those, next step after sorting will be to upload them to the automation and getting all those songs labeled in time for the holiday season, which may sound like a one day thing, trust me, it ain’t.

If you remember, when we first launched the Audio Only server, it took us about 3 months to get all the music labeled and when we redid our library, it took a couple of months as well.

Granted, we don’t have as many Christmas songs but still, it’s a lot. Especially when you have to relabel song files from the CD.

Currently, our music library is GROWING new songs are being added to it weekly and therefore also being added to our automation. We currently have 4600 (right on the nose) tracks in our automation system and more to be added weekly.

Basically, that means you can turn the automation on at work and have us on all day, and you will not hear the same song twice. Pretty big amount if you ask me. And that amount will keep growing over time.

Now, some show announcements. Normally, Nights on the Beach is only a summer thing BUT I figured, if I get coaxed into doing a late night show, might be good to have a name for it so whenever I get coaxed into doing a late night show, Nights on the Beach is what will be used! We originally used this name last summer in place of Chris After Dark but after some people complained about the name change, we decided to just use Nights on the Beach for the occasional late night shows.

Finally, people have asked us if there is a way to listen to the shows if they happen to miss it. Well, now there is. Due to popular request, we have decided to upload SOME of the shows to Google Drive for 2 weeks at a time. So say you missed the flagship, well, if we decided to upload that week’s flagship, then for 2 weeks, it will be available to watch on Google Drive provided you have the link to the archive.

Not ALL shows will be available on the archive, but whenever we do upload a show to the archive, the archive link will be made available to people by request so, if you missed the show and want to see it, all you have to do is contact me and I’ll get the link for that show to you. But remember, the link will only be available for 2 weeks from the show date. After that, it’s deleted from Google Drive.

Well, that’s about all I can think of saying this time around. Thanks for bearing with us and supporting us. MORE TO COME as we get closer to the holidays. Keep on Rockin as always!


The Rockin WAVES 11294 Fall Schedule

4 PM – 6 PM – The Retro Show
6 PM – 7 PM – Voyage Through The 60s
7 PM – 9 PM – Rob’s Time Machine
9 PM – Midnight – AT40 Time Machine
Midnight – ? – Ringside Wrestling

7 PM – 9 PM – The Retro Show

8 PM – 9 PM – Voyage Through The 60s
9 PM – 11 PM – Flashback Killer 90s
11 PM – Midnight – Adventure Time Guys

2 PM – 4 PM – The Renegade Show (ENDING IN MID OCTOBER)

3 PM – 5 PM – The Badlands Combat Sports Radio Show
5 PM – 6:30 PM – Rockin WAVES Music
6:30 PM – 8:30 PM – The Weasel Show
8:30 PM – 11:00 PM – Rockin WAVES Music
11 PM – 11:45 PM – Adventure Time Guys
11:45 PM – ? – Chris After Dark

10 PM – Midnight – The Friday Night Renegade Show (STARTING IN MID-OCTOBER)

12 PM – 2 PM – The Drive Home With Derek Stark
2 PM – 5:30 PM – The Flagship Chris Rogers Show
5:30 PM – 8:00 PM – The Rossome After Show