2 New Shows!!

Wow! Ever since I put the announcement out on Facebook that told people if they were interested in doing shows to let me know, the response has been awesome so far. We have 2 new shows CONFIRMED a go on Rockin WAVES. One of them is a guy that you may remember DJ’d for us for a short time back in 2013. His name is DJAaron, and well, he is now returning to Rockin WAVES!

Every Friday night you will be able to hear DJAaron LIVE on the Audio Only section of our website! He will be on from 10 PM until 2 AM each Friday night!

Then, every Thursday, you get your rock on with DJ Rich! It’s The Rock Fix with DJ Rich every Thursday at 6 PM. 2 FULL HOURS OF PURE ROCK!

We are also looking for more shows to add to the lineup! If you want to have a show on Rockin WAVES, email me at chris@rockinwaves.com and we’ll get you started! Thanks for listening and as always, KEEP ON ROCKIN!

The Summer of Rockin Coming To A Close and Other General Stuff

Hey everyone! Just wanted to let everyone know that we are going to be ending The Summer of Rockin on August 22nd. It’s been a fun summer and we hate to see it go but all good things must come to an end.

Also, we will be hopefully adding some new DJ’s to the lineup soon. Stay tuned for details!